Cards selection and drawing
To play Secret Hitler you need 30 cards (plus 20 optionally) and 15 drawings (in 12 cards).
- Select 6 ranks from 1 suit and write "Good team" on the drawing area D on every card.
Ideally the green suit.
It's recommended to use generic terms like "Good team" and "Bad team" over game-specific terms like "Fascist" and "Liveral" because this way you can re-use the same cards for many games. In this case, with the game The resistance: Avalon.
- Select 4 ranks from 1 suit and, on the drawing area D, write "Bad team" on 3 cards, and "Hitler" on 1 card.
Ideally the red suit.
- Select any 2 other cards and, on the drawing area D, write "1st." (represents the President) and "2nd." (represents the Chancellor) on each card.
It's recommended to use generic terms like "1st." and "2nd." over game-specific terms like "President" and "Chancellor" because this way you can re-use the same cards for many games.
Ideally pick ranks 1 and 2 from the yellow suit.
- Pic any 11 other cards with a tails coin flip ❌ to use as "Fascist Policy tiles".
- [Optional] Pic 10 more to use as "Ballot cards".
- Pic any 6 other cards with a tails coin flip ✅ to use as "Liveral Policy tiles".
- [Optional] Pic 10 more to use as "Ballot cards".
If you want better playability, at the cost of more drawings, write, in the drawing area D, "Yes" in 6 cards and "No" in 11 cards.
- [Optional] Pic 10 more to use as "Ballot cards".
- In a notes card, draw the game board, and the fascists per total players. Check the image below.
If you have a paper and pen avilable, draw the board on it. It will improve playability.
- Pic any 4 other cards and flip them so the back is visible. They are to count approved policies. Negative points for the fascist policies and positive points for the liveral policies.
Feel free to use an alternative counting method invented by you.
Game board
Nothing | Investigate Loyalty | Policy Peek | Call Special Election | Execution |
Secret Role cards and Placards
Liveral | Fascist | Hitler | President | Chancellor |
- For Party Membership cards, just get an unused card that has a coin flip with tails ❌, if you're a fascist, or heads ✅, if you're a liveral.
If you show the bottom of your Secret Role card, the other player may know if you're Hitler because she memorised the card in wich it's written. So, pic a new card every time.
- Use 2 pairs of card backs to count approved policies. Make one pair count nevative points, and the other positive points. The negative points count approved fascist policies and the positive points count approved liveral policies.